Thursday, November 3, 2011

Stock up prices

Today I am researching stock up prices as I know when some items are a good deal but others I sometimes look and say hmmm I think this is a good deal but I am not always sure. I can never remember what I pay for certain things either. This week my grocery bill will be much higher than I like as I only have 2 weeks until Rylan's birthday party and I need to start getting all the nonperishable items to prepare for that. It also seems like I can not even remember when I last shopped so we are running low on lots of items that we need. I last shopped for under 100.00 nearly one month ago! Think about that..... I am pretty proud of myself right now lol I knew it felt like a long time I guess I got more stuff than I realized and no wonder my freezer is getting empty! I started looking up stock up prices from other bloggers because I was looking at my weekly flyer's from albertsons and Winn Dixie and saw boneless skinless chicken breasts for 1.88/lb and I thought to myself that is a great price I think... I can never remember prices produce or meat for some reason so I looked and saw that many other couponers think that 1.99/lb is a great price for boneless skinless chicken breasts so I think I will grab a LOT of chicken this week maybe 10 pounds! I will try and make a stock up price page for you all if you are like me and can never remember then you can print it and keep it in your binders so you won't have to question if you are getting a good deal or not.

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