Saturday, April 28, 2012


For any of my friends out there who have cats I have learned a trick that will help keep the litter box odor to a minimum. Use scoopable litter and when you are finished with your Sunday (or any day really) newspaper take it and rip it up into little squares about 2x2 or so and put some below the litter and some mixed in and some on top. You will be surprised at how it keeps the ammonia smell down. When you scoop take all the newspaper out with the waste and refill mixing it in and around with your scooper.

You are welcome :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fairy Dust

(all of the parents in Rylans class will surely love me after this one) The kids in the class will have a treasure hunt as part of their pixie and pirate party so I decided the first find on the treasure hunt will be to find "pixie dust" so at the dollar tree I found just the size container I was looking for. Three small bottles of glitter for 1.00...perfect! I had tule at home and pink ribbon from another project so all I had to do was make a little paper with instructions and glue it on. The paper said something like.... Summer pixie dust: sprinkle this in your yard on the last day of school and the summer fairies will see the enchanted glow and will know you want them to bring you a magical summer. Covington is going to be one very glittery city!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring break is over

Well spring break is over but all of the spring gatherings are not :) I want to share what a wonderful husband I have and I feel so lucky to have someone who is my best friend to be with all the time. We had a disagreement (of the friendly kind) about who was the worse spouse hahaha. As we strolled through the French quarter in New Orleans enjoying our little mini-vacation I thanked him for our amazing week together and for making my birthday so special. That's when it started, he said well I want you to know I appreciate the fact that you put up with all of my crap, because I know I have a lot of it. We both giggled but then I said well I know I have lots of little things I ask you to do that I could probably just pass up like how to hang his towel after he takes a shower, or how to pull the sheets up when making the bed instead if just pulling the comforter up and putting pillows on top, just little crap that doesn't really matter but I ask anyway lol so this went back and forth a few times until I finally said you are right I love you more than you love me and I am a better spouse ;) to which Rhett just said UH NO

So we had birthday sushi and lazier tag then he took me to bed bath and beyond and told me to pick out stuff I wanted (if I would have known he was just letting me pick whatever I probably would have picked more lol but I guess that's why he didn't tell me) then I had a shopping spree with my mom and spent the night at my best friends house. The next day I had a cake with candles and a birthday song and then there was a trip to New Orleans for a date weekend. I told him that makes up for him not even getting a card for valentines day lol on our trip to NO we stopped at the casino first where Rhett gave me spending money, I put in 20.00 and won 165.00!! We cashed out and left. We bar hopped a little bit and had an amazing dinner (charbroiled oysters, fried crab fingers, and fried eggplant because I wanted a bunch of appetizers) then we shopped a little more and went back to the casino because I still had 40.00 of my winnings left :) oh and at one place we were arguing over who would pay because I had "free money" and he was saying its my birthday so I couldn't pay. I yelled and told the bartender it was his birthday so he had to let me pay, he did and at that point people were looking to see who's birthday it was so I just shook my head no and mouthed "no it's not" they all laughed bc Rhett was mad I got to pay :) I WIN
Sunday we spent the morning at a friends who made an amazing brunch we all ate until we couldn't eat anymore (not to mention the mimosas) then we got onto the street cars and bar hopped New Orleans it was an amazingly beautiful weekend and could not have been any more perfect! Thank you to my hunny!

That is why I haven't even picked up my phone to post a blog in a week or more :)

Friday, April 6, 2012


Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 28! I'm so excited to be spending the day with my baby and my hunk after he gets off of work. First we will go and enjoy my free Ihop breakfast (sign up on their site to be in their club and you actually get two free breakfast offers!) Then I will take Rylan to the free kids clinic at Home Depot where we will build a bird feeder. Next we will head over to the dollar tree to grab some Easter egg dye kits somehow I forgot to get one of those this year. Michaels is also having a free kids clinic in the afternoon so we will head over there to decorate an Easter egg. I will then drive through sonic to get my free beverage (another club deal they send you emails you get free crap throughout the year like a free beverage or tots you get the idea) I will also head over to Ulta since it is next door and get my eyebrows waxed for free since all you need is an ID on your birthday to have that service done free (I haven't been plucking for a few days now to save up for this event lol) and finally we will head over to baskin robin for a free ice cream after dinner. I printed all of my little coupons and certificates tonight (I also took care of all the house work today because I plan on being quite lazy tomorrow in the area of cleaning) I might even end my evening by taking my baby for some laser tag because we both had soooo much fun last time. He told me today that he is always going to be my best friend (which I am totally cool with) I'm excited for tomorrow it's going to be a fun day of not really doing anything while doing a whole lot all at the same time!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Organizer at heart

Today the new sheets came in that we gave both wanted (and needed) for so long. They came packaged in a thick zipper bag. I saved the bag to put sheets in that we don't use that often. There was even a nice little card that I could write on (I used their idea of what to put on the card) to remind me what I put inside. The card is inside a little plastic sleeve pocket inside so it won't fall out or stain my nice sheets :) try it! I've saved comforter bags to do the same with and it works great as a closet organizer tool and space saver, there are no more blankets falling from the top of the closet :) oh and it keeps your nice clean linens dust and moth free.

First anniversary

Yesterday we got our first "first anniversary" gift! I asked Rhett if he ordered something from Bed Bath and Beyond and he said no then I said well it's addressed to me? I was so confused and surprised it was a set of wine glasses which we so desperately need, we need all glass items actually because I am a glass murder. I have broken so many glass items around here it is ridiculous I have no excuse, some people are clumsy and walk into things or fall down a lot, I break things.. Maybe I should consider switching to plastic (joking of course) Since we got new glasses not too long ago because I broke 3 of our last set I'll probably put this one in the cabinet down below for my next back up set :) I just took out a set of glasses that Rhetts grandmother gave us as a wedding gift last year since I only had 4 of a set of 8 glasses left, they were regular sweet tea cups I break those too. It isn't limited to only cups though I break plates and bowls too I don't know what my problem is really hahahaha it could become an expensive problem though if I don't slow down hahahaha. Thank you Aunt Donna and Uncle Ronnie! They gave us our very first wedding gift also (I have a picture of it all wrapped up because I was so excited!) I'm going to go write a thank you note right now!

Nest cupcakes

Today I made little bird nest cupcakes for Rylan and his class. It took about 5-10 minutes because I wasn't concentrating on being precise I just wanted it to be cute so no one would have to ask "what is it?" lol and I accomplished that. I brought the first one to show Rhett and he said "oh thanks baby but I only want a bite" hahaha I said I was only bringing to show you so you don't get a bite. He said oh good (I guess he wasn't in a mood for sweets)

Laundry fairy

The laundry fairy just left. That is what I tell Rhett. I say, "you and Rylan have a laundry fairy, you put all of your dirty clothes in a basket and they magically appear back into your closet and drawers clean and neatly folded and put away!" I need to get one of those!! I hope she brings her friend the dishes fairy and the floor fairy would be nice to have come over too, shoot I'll provide wine and it could be a little fairy party.... I'll let you know how that turns out ;)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


My cat thinks she is a "people" I got out of the shower to this! She goes under the covers and lays so it is partially on her!


Yesterday my birthday gift from Rhett came in. He let me pick what I wanted and I ordered it for myself online. I wanted a new hair flat iron the best around is the "Chi" well it came yesterday and I came home from taking Rylan to the park and Rhett said "Hey you are gonna be happy because your cheese just got here!" I made him repeat it like 3-4 times because I needed to make sure it wasn't a mistake that he said that! Oh the love i have for that man. If I got 2 or more I told him then I would have chis but not cheese! Hahahaha if he didn't entertain me with such moments we would have never made it!!!


I don't remember exactly what made Rylan ask but two days ago he wanted to know if or when we could get another baby. I told him I wanted one too but we had to talk to Daddy still because he just isn't ready. Rylan then in a very sinister laugh/whisper said "well mommy we could just sneak and get one" then he giggled so much!! Sneaking and getting a baby would be pretty easy I'm sure since Rhett would never notice hahahahaha. I love being a mommy of a 4 year old!!! These are the moments I hope I never forget.