Thursday, September 22, 2011

My first blog post!

How exciting my first blog post. Since I wanted to make my first post a good one I decided to wait until I knew exactly what to write. I went out to my front yard with some seed packs determined to plant my fall garden. I got seeds for lettuce in the ground and it started to rain on me :( so I came back inside and decided to move on to the next task on my list. "Find a pediatrician". Sounds easy enough right? Well I determined I have people profiling issues but we can talk about that later. Living in a new city one of the great tasks is finding new doctors. I learned in Houston, TX. it was not too hard because it is a huge city with hundreds of doctors to choose from, that is not exactly the case here. I was picky there aslo because growing up in Baton Rouge there are two basic races caucasion and african american. In Houston I had a hard time understanding what people were saying to me not because they weren't speaking english but because there are sooo many different accents. So I knew first I needed someone who was caucasion because I was having a hard enough time understanding basic conversation with anyone with hispanic or arabic or african accent already much less doctor talk. Then I came across the realazitaion that (sorry guys) just about every male MD I saw a pic of looked extremely creepy, like they may have a van with no windows at home in the garage (not to mention most serial killers/rapists are male) so a male doctor was also out of the question. So far I need a caucasion, female. Now I continue my search and notice a lot of overweight ladies in these pics. I think to myself if you are a doctor you obviously know the health risks to being overweight yet you don't take the steps to change? I surely don't want thier advice because if they are telling me about what to feed my child and how to keep them healthy I want someone who is healthy themselves. (I wish there was a button to select thin or not but there isnt so I have to judge by their face if they take care of themselves now, great, I hope my judgement isn't off today) Ok, so Im looking for thin caucasion female. I notice a good mix of ages here and I start to have flashbacks of talking to old ladies. I tell this older lady (not a doctor I must admit) about problems after she asked me a question. She tells me of how back in her day she walked to school with bare feet two miles both ways in the snow and rain (I don't remember the story exactly but you've all heard it), then all the other older people in the breakroom (we were coworkers) also join in with thier stories of how health care was back in their day. Wow that was a bad flashback so now I'm suddenly in the market for a young, thin, caucasion, female doctor. I see two, one looks kinda "earthy" put together and cute yet hugs trees when she walks out of the office, could have been a hippy but she isn't old enough, still kinda trendy and possibly uses bare minerals makeup with an occasional mud mask and salt scrub, Her hair isn't board straight but instead is a little wavy which tells me she doesn't blow dry it, she probably lets it air dry because that will conserve energy. Now I think "she's my girl"! In my mind I hear her saying "It's ok with me if you want to give your child honey and lemon juice instead of cough medicine however if that method doesn't work for you then here is a prescription you can try also." I want you to know it took nearly an hour to come to this decision. I do feel like it is important to have the right doctor for you and for your child to be comfortable. I tried a male OB once for example and when he was trying to get me to try birth control and I was not really on the same page as him I said nah, I hear about too many side effects, weight gain, emotional issues, etc, Im just having irregular periods which arent bothering me. He used the words during this conversation "I understand"...uh NO you don't! You do NOT have a vagina! Needless to say that was my last time to see him. Anyway I guess I am just saying that I don't think you should just settle on any doctor that is most convient for you or even that someone else suggests will be good. Find the one that is BEST FOR YOU!

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