Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My plan for geting sick

Ok so by the title of this post I'm sure you thought I was going to talk about trying to get sick but that is not the case at all lol. I actually am planning for if I get sick. After talking with my friend Natalie last night I decided that I need to get on top of this plan I have had in my head for a while now. I am going to cook meals that freeze well and try to put up about a weeks worth of meals so in the event I get sick or the munchkin or the hubby get sick. The last thing I want to think about is making food at times like these so I will just defrost a meal and reheat. I already have spaghetti frozen from about a week ago and tonight I think I will make chili. I want to make a chicken noodle soup too I think that will be perfect to have a few lighter meals like that on a sick week I can have a few days of lighter meals and a few meals that are more "make you feel good inside" meals. We are having left overs tonight to clear out the fridge so I thought it would be a perfect night to make an extra meal. I will make it then cool it and put it in a gallon Ziploc and lay it flat on anempty shelf in the freezer.
                     (<---- here is one of the shelves in my freezer)
 I try to keep one shelf empty (I have full glass shelves not the ones with the wires) so that way once things are frozen I can stand them up and they are like flat little books that organize neatly. I have chicken and a few other things that don't freeze flat like I like on a separate shelf that is my messy shelf lol. I have lots of frozen veggies from my dads garden that are all also frozen into small bags flat like books as I call them. I actually read a great tip from another site once to use old boxes like cereal box for gallon size bag or a box from granola bars for quart size bags. You turn the zip part of the bag over the box then when you are done filling you suck the air out and zip it then you freeze your item in the box that you used a day or two later take it out of the box and boom you have items that are nice and square and will stack neatly for an organized freezer. Most of the meals I plan on making will last for at least 6 months frozen so if by February we haven't eaten them then I guess we will just have an easy week and start this all over again! I also could have really used this idea a few months ago when the hubby had eye surgery and back surgery nearly back to back. There were many days I wished I had a cook lol So now in the future I will plan these types of things ahead of time and make meals frozen a lot more! I think I will make some in the crock pot while I make other meals next week so I can get two things done at once. We will see.

I need to go to Wal-mart anyway since I broke a transformer while vacuuming under the coffee table (I picked it up and when I moved it I set it down on top of one..... I guess I will tell the truth and not make Rylan think he lost it lol) So the only thing I'm missing for the chili is a few cans of beans I have the rest already.

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