Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Give back America take 2...

So after my posting titled "Give back America" one of my best friends (insert name here, you know who you are lol) text me and said "the post office won't shut down bwcause its considered a goverment service." ( I realize there is a typo in there I felt like I couldn't quote it if I corrected the errors.)  But first she said "What happened to going green?" and a little light went on in my head I thought I need to first do more research on the post offices closures I've been hearing about then I need to find more ways to go green. I did just that and found multiple sites that explain what is going on. Here is one of those
this just hurts my heart not because I know someone who works at a post office but when Rhett was overseas I felt like I knew those people as I was in there every week and we talked like we were old friends, when it was Easter and Rhett's mom asked if I made sure to put "peeps" in his box (even though I'm 99% sure she sent a box too I don't remember lol) I did and when I got to the counter, I would wait for one of two people who were my favorites, I asked this older, tall, African American gentlemen (he was my favorite) what I needed to declare in the box. I told him what was in there and I said but I didn't put the peeps on the declaration page because I'm not sure what to write do I put food or just Easter crap he said well why don't you just put 50 peeps and we all laughed mostly because I could have done that all on my own but also because they thought it was funny that i was sending that many peeps. What I'm saying here is that these people are scared that they are going to lose their job, the job that they have been working at (for some of them) for most of their lives. What is in my mind is this great "Save American Jobs" campaign. Where we save all the jobs in the postal service by sending letters to each other. I imagine getting letters in the mail from this said best friend for no reason and I send one back in response. Then while sending her letter I send one to two other friends just to say HI. So today I pledge to write two letters tomorrow to someone in my address book and mail them before the weekend. Can you take a minute to do the same? If you are looking for some really cute and hand made stationary my mom-in-law makes it and sells it for a great price (she can send it to you IN THE MAIL) I'll have her send me pics and I'll post them and if you are interested I can get you hooked up with her. I hope she is looking to get rid of some of those cute notes and envelops she has put together :)! (These are 4X6 and each pack is 8 blank inside note cards and 8 matching envelops tied up with a ribbon, also great for gifts for $7.00! That is under a dollar a note!)

Now on to my friends' first question about "Going Green" my response to that is when is the last time you recycled the paper that you get in your mail box? All that junk mail that goes straight into your trash can just like mine does? Yeah that is what I thought. lol I walked into the grocery store tonight to pick up the items I needed for my "sick meals" and I passed a flyer/magazine type thing, that I would like to add looks like it is made out of recycled paper lol, remember the paper in school that wasn't as bright white because it was recycled? That is what this paper looks like. The booklet is called "Natural Awakenings" it is a freebie so I grabbed one. It is all about going green and how you can help in your area. There is a listing of the areas where these magazine thingys can be found and you should be able to find one in your area. It talks about using a bicycle to go places and not driving. It talks about farming and growing your own veggies, I would like to add here that I got my lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot seeds in the ground this week :) It talks about water conservation, one factoid for today, did you know that All U.S. golf courses use on average 3.1 billion gallons of water per day. Did you know that it takes on average 1,581 gallons of water per pound of beef to produce it (to you on shelves)? It says to catch your rain water to water your plants. It also gives hundred of business names and ads for their earthy/t
ree hugging crap. Come eat our soup it has veggies... lol LOTS of yoga ads? I guess that is green too lol It has listings for local farmers markets and how you should buy local to cut down on all the oil being used to transport these goods. Anyway I am not mad at this friend by any chance I am just putting this out there in case someone else has the same initial thought as she did. So find a "Natural Awakenings" in your grocery store freebie magazine section and pick one up and see how you can change something to become more "GREEN". I think I will also research composting piles and what is the easiest ways to make one. Please feel free to post any questions, comments, or opinions here and lets talk about it.

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