Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A first mommy moment for me

This morning I bring the caramel apples to school and Rylan is excited that his mommy is walking him to class and I am excited to hand my special treat over. I try to drop and run because I don't want to disrupt the class schedule well his teacher grabs me as I am running out of the class and invites me to linger for a while. Rylan goes straight to doing what he is supposed to, he chooses a "center" and gets to work. There are some kids in the "housekeeping center" and one is in the library, one is playing blocks, there are about 6 kids at the same table as Rylan all doing different activities, one is gluing applejacks (eating most of them) on a letter "A", another is stringing apple cut outs and noodles on a piece of yarn, one is coloring farm animals and Rylan chose beans to spoon from a bowl into a cast iron pan. They are all working on different skills and I am chit chatting with the teacher about how great it is that they all come in and choose what they want to do as their first task that way they all feel great because they are making their own choice. In just that moment the kid sitting next to Rylan begins poking him with his plastic needle that he is stringing noodles with and Rylan starts yelling "Don't do that to me" and so the other kid grabs Rylan by the neck. Now pause right there as I have drawn a picture in your head about what is going on. I came completely out of my body. There were instantly three of me. The one that walked in the door was still standing still with my arms neatly hanging in front of me with my fingers locked together. The next one of me was on my knees in the middle of that round table clawing that other kids eyes out like a mountain lion. The third one of me was standing to my left with an arm across my chest to hold me back. I am not sure how I was able to, but, I actually stayed where I was at and allowed the teacher to fix the situation without even saying a word. She stepped in so quickly and asked the other child to "use his words" and had a conversation with him about what was right and wrong and asked Rylan if he was alright. I don't know if it had anything to do with the article I read last week about how to help in the classroom without paying too much attention to your own child or getting onto any other children in the class only being there to help when needed but I am pretty proud of myself lol I think the part of me that was on the table is the part of me that already knows that kid is bad Rylan tells me all the time about how this kid gives the teacher problems scratching her, trying to bite her and "not using his words" as Rylan says, things like that. Ok now that I have cleared that off of my chest I can begin my days laundry.

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