Thursday, September 29, 2011

Coupon friends--This could be huge

Ok to all of you who are going to start couponing or have already started. There have been rumors of up to SIX inserts this weekend. For those of you who are new to this I need to tell you if you only get coupons once a month and do not commit to getting them every weekend. Then the first weekend of the month is always the weekend to get them because the PG (Proctor and Gamble) insert is there only the first Sunday (unless there it is a holiday weekend, in that case it will be in the weekend before or after) In the PG insert there are a LOT of good HBA (Health and Beauty Aid) coupons such as deodorant and shaving cream etc. you will also find some great cleaning products in there as well. The rumor I have seen (on some of the other blogs I follow) is there may be a SS-SmartSource, a RP-Redplum, a P&G, a Pepsi/Frito Lay, GM-General Mills, and even a Playskool. Now these vary by region so your paper may only have one or two but your neighboring city may have them all IDK! I am pretty excited though because I have only gotten up to three inserts so far in one paper I think so this may be a HUGE coupon weekend I may just buy extras lol The PG is usually the biggest insert of them all. Don't forget to check your papers before leaving your store for your coupons. If you have one or two inserts in there that may be all your area is getting so go ahead and buy your paper because that one or two will still be worth your money. I always look at it like this, the paper costs 2.00 right well if you only use 2.00 worth of coupons out of it then you have made your money back, the rest after 2.00 is FREE MONEY!!! I love free money in fact any of you who get a paper and don't use your coupons let me know I will come get them from you and I will be happy to spend your FREE MONEY for you :) !!!

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