Thursday, April 5, 2012

First anniversary

Yesterday we got our first "first anniversary" gift! I asked Rhett if he ordered something from Bed Bath and Beyond and he said no then I said well it's addressed to me? I was so confused and surprised it was a set of wine glasses which we so desperately need, we need all glass items actually because I am a glass murder. I have broken so many glass items around here it is ridiculous I have no excuse, some people are clumsy and walk into things or fall down a lot, I break things.. Maybe I should consider switching to plastic (joking of course) Since we got new glasses not too long ago because I broke 3 of our last set I'll probably put this one in the cabinet down below for my next back up set :) I just took out a set of glasses that Rhetts grandmother gave us as a wedding gift last year since I only had 4 of a set of 8 glasses left, they were regular sweet tea cups I break those too. It isn't limited to only cups though I break plates and bowls too I don't know what my problem is really hahahaha it could become an expensive problem though if I don't slow down hahahaha. Thank you Aunt Donna and Uncle Ronnie! They gave us our very first wedding gift also (I have a picture of it all wrapped up because I was so excited!) I'm going to go write a thank you note right now!

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