Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm looking for free letter from Santa

So since our elf on the shelf will not come out until the morning after thanksgiving I thought I have already started talking about Santa sending his elves to watch over all the children (for example he pouts or uses bad manners I suddenly look out the window and when he says what is it mommy I just say oh nothing I just thought I saw something and he always asks "what was it" and I say I thought it was an elf! Rhett joined in the other day and didn't even know it when he was making fun of the guy next to us in his truck and said "oh that guy looks like Santa hahaha" and Rylan was stretching his neck as far as it would go and so I calmly said yeah it probably was him he told me he was coming to drop off his elf at our house the other day lol Rylan was soooo shocked he just sat in the back thinking so seriously) and I need to make it official now lol I have started looking up websites that you can get some free cards from Santa. Here is the first I found on a site that you type and print then put in an envelope and send from gmaws house or work wherever... I wonder can you send a self addressed and postage paid envelope to the north pole and someone there will open it and put it back in the mail so that it will be post marked from there... I will let you know about this. I know that some of you are laughing right now but my kid will think my Santa is better than yours if our letter comes from there and yours comes from the same state (I'm sure he will not know or care at this point but it will make me feel like it is more official lol) I need to ask around to my friends to see who has nice calligraphy and maybe employ them to write letters for me lol. I will give you the links for the ones I find as I go.... Here is the first I found I haven't tried it yet so I can't tell you if it is easy or looks good or not...letter from Santa here

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