Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cyber Monday!!!

Who is ready for Cyber Monday is this girl right here!!!!! I think I am going to break away only long enough to go to subway use my BOGO 6" sub coupon and my 10.00 gift card that I only paid 5.00 for! Also people if you are eating out now is the perfect time to ask the store you are going to visit before you visit if they are having any gift card promos. Check out the retail gift card deals too. For example last year at Lowes if you bought 25.00 (I don't remember the exact amount this is an example) in gift cards then you got 10.00 in Itunes gift cards free. I was buying stuff anyway so I bought the gift card first then paid for my stuff with it and I got a free CD on my Ipod that night :) I also suggested restaurants because lets say that you are going out to eat, lots of places offer special deals buy 50 get 10 or something like that. If you are eating out already buy the gift card before you sit to eat. Pay for your food with the card then guess who gets a free lunch later or a great free stocking stuffer. That's right you do :) I have been to Victoria Secret 2 times now since they started their gift card deal (I think it ended tonight) The deal they were running was, Buy 10.00 worth of merchandise and you are guaranteed to get 10.00 on a gift card to use after 12/2, some only have 10.00, but some have up to 1000.00! They have lots with 100.00! I bought 3 things for about 12.00 each and paid for them each in a separate transaction. ( I got 2 perfumes that were 50% off! I was so excited and I wished it was in my budget to buy about 8 more lol) I now have 3 gift cards that are worth at least 30.00 maybe more! You can't call to find out how much is on each card, you have to purchase something to find out what your totoal is. That sounds like a catch but do you have any idea how many 10.00 and under things they offer in their panty and perfume sections? They have a huge section of purse size perfume bottles (Possibly even every fragramce) for 10.00 exactly... That is probably what I will be going back for.

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