Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Soooo much to talk about

I've been away from my computer all weekend because we went on a little family vacation to the BEACH! It was amazing I have to say if you are looking to go to the beach this is the time of year to do that. It wasn't crowded or too hot. It wasn't cold (after 11ish) it was perfect. I will say that this will be the last time I go to the beach without food from home however. I knew our car was going to be packed pretty full because we were 4 adults and a car seat in a family size car. The plan was to pick up sandwich and breakfast items once we got there. I was hesitant but I went along as everyone else was on board with this plan. We dropped off our bags at the condo and went straight to the grocery. A few items later our ticket was 148.00!!! I almost passed out! That was to include no hard liquor either. There was a bit of beer but not that much! Keep in mind my post from last week spending 70.00 on a week or two worth of groceries. Now this was split up between all of the adults so our part was only 70.00+/- but we hardly got anything for that, sandwich stuff a few snacks and a few things for breakfast. All I could think about was all the food I had a home that I could have packed and saved so much money. I had two loaves of bread and 2 1/2 dz eggs at home I had peanut butter and lunch meat at home I have jars of mayo and mustard I got for free that have not even been opened! It took me a while to get over it but I moved on...... Besides the sticker price of groceries we had SO much fun. We shopped at the outlets and picked up some super great deals on clothes for all three of us. We also got a huge bunch of shells that I need to find a cool jar to put them in to display for my baby. The most fun for me was that two of the mornings I got up early grabbed Rylan and we went to walk the beach to look for sand dollars (of course I even look for beach money lol) I told Rylan that is what the mermaids and mermen use to buy stuff in the ocean. I wonder if they east sushi? He filled his bucket with shells then his attention went to chasing birds. We looked one night for crabs we didn't find any but Rylan was so happy about using a flashlight and being out at night with mom and dad.
I just got back from the gas station with my Newspapers on a better note lol I am excited to see 5 inserts! I got 4 papers and I am so excited! I will be back with more that I want to talk about later. I have so much to do right now.

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