Friday, October 21, 2011

Grandparents day at school

Today was grandparents day at school, it was so cute seeing all the people with canes and walkers and what not lol. Rylan was so proud to show off his class room and his enrichment classes (art and music and movement) he was also so excited to show all of the things he knows how to do on the playground. His Sir (that is what he calls my father in law lol) was glad to be on campus and see everyone again (all of my sister- in-laws went there as kids) I also loved being in the church to watch all of the children (well actually we were in the back so it was more like I was only listening) sing and do little hand movements, and then to hear all of the grandparents brag about their grandbaby who knew all of the words and was so confident and knew the hand motions best lol I just laughed (I knew who was obviously doing the best in there)

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