Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Car troubles

Sorry that I haven't posted lately for those of you who check back often. With my car troubles lately I swear it is a damn good thing I coupon lol. Another 300.00 today for a "Speed Sender" from what I gather this thing tells my car how much gas to give and how fast I am going etc. So any time I was driving at 35 or under or if I was idling at a stop sign or red light my car would die. That is not too bad it is the fact that it would take sometimes up to 3 tries to restart. I tell ya there is nothing like pulling up in car line to have your car die when it is almost your turn to get your child and you can hardly get your car started back up. This only went on for about a week (I took it to 3 different shops and they all said when they hook up my car the computer says nothing is wrong.... yeeeeaaaaah) there is nothing better than driving 3 miles and praying that your car doesn't die or that you won't hit traffic and you will miss every red light so you don't have to slow down. I actually had a good laugh with my mom-in-law when she said "Yeah you need to get that fixed because you can't go through car pool line at 35-40 miles per hour" lol we both laughed pretty good because then I said "Yeah can't you imagine as we got close I would tell Rylan to unbuckle and then I'll just tell him to tuck and roll as I push him out" lol anyway
The dealership also told me that I have nests under the hood. I guess this is one of the luxuries of living in the country. Rats try to build nests under your hood and if they get mad they may or may not chew on your wires. I may have already posted about how the service guy suggested that I did not try and pull the nests out on my own (I am pretty sure they did it today for me) I assured him I will not be pulling anything from under the hood because dead or alive if I pull out a rat from my car I will LOSE MY MIND!! I am alright with bugs, spiders do not count in my book as bugs, I am NOT ok with spiders. I also am not alright with rats or snakes. I wish I could have seen my own face when my father-in-law told me of the snake he found/caught in our house. It must have been pretty bad because after he stopped laughing he said "It's too late now you are moved in" I didn't even say anything to provoke this comment by the way. The point of all of this rambling is just to say sorry if I left ya hangin'!

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