Thursday, October 20, 2011

Preschool is for me

I just left the orchestra with Rylan and his class and I was soooo happy being there. The keeping all the children in line and having them fight over who gets to hold my hand and who gets to sit by me it was amazing. I also loved that everything was brand new to each one of them. I loved asking who wanted to be the conductor because that is what I want to be and Rylan said he wants to play the double bass and Elle wants to play the harp and Cole wants to be a conductor like me and Remi and Mattise want to play the violin! It was sooo cute and when they start to not be able to sit still then all it took was a small question to get their attention back on the music. "Hey do you hear the drums you have to pay close attention to hear them over the brass instruments" Little kids are the best they all look at you like you are the best thing to ever happen to them especially when you are serious when you say you wish you had hot pink suede cowgirl boots just like them.

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