Sunday, October 16, 2011

Grocery total Oct. 13

Ok a few days ago I shopped and said I would post but I have been soooo on the run lol. Here it goes. I spent a little more than I usually like to but we kind of needed a lot this trip. As long as I keep it under 100.00 I am always happy! This week my total before taxes was 92.30 so, before coupons and store discounts I would have paid 167.48! That is a savings of 75.18! Just in meat my retail would have been around 60.00. I found some great deals and just couldn't pass them up.
Sweet Potatoes were on sale this week for .89c/pound so I got a few pounds of those. I'm not sure what I will make yet but probably a little dish of mashed then maybe a night of just baked as a few side dishes, I got a few big ones and a few small ones, I may make a fun dish instead, like I said I'm not sure yet but that was a pretty good price. The lettuce was also on sale for BOGO so I picked up a few bags of the salad blend (it was cheaper than "Just lettuce" that I really prefer but I wanted to save a dollar lol so I got the kind with the carrots and cabbage instead) I got a case of water, this is usually something I don't buy, we use the water from the fridge since our filters are so expensive I figure we might as well use them however this week I had a printable coupon for 3.00 off so I was willing to pay 1.00 to be lazy 24 times :) I also had two coupons, one for a free candy and another for buy two get one free so I bought one candy and got two free (my boys were super happy about that) I got a 3 lb bag of tangerines because they were on sale for 3.00 and that is a pretty good price. (Always remember to check your sales ad and know what is a decent deal and what is in season) I got 4 bags of Halls cough drops for FREE! check to see if your store has a clearance area. My store has a shelf at the end of an aisle that  always has clearance items on it and they had these cough drops for .49 each guess who had two coupons for 1.00/2 THIS GIRL! What a great time to snag those too with sick season just around the corner.
 I got lots and lots of meat as I mentioned earlier I got four packages of boneless skinless chicken breast "tenders" I haven't purchased them in tender form before so I really wasn't sure what to expect but I made a dish with one package a few nights ago and that means that they are just already cut into strips (it was convenient as the dish I was making called for diced chicken) they were BOGO also so that was a great deal. I always look for smaller packages of meat so that the price is not too high and I will be able to buy more of other kinds also. Another thing I look for when buying packages of BOGO meat I always look for packages that are basically the same price so you don't lose that few cents on your free one because you will always get the least expensive one for free (I hope that makes sense) So for example I got two packages of chicken they were both priced at 4.74 (I had to dig a little to find two with the same price) so the free one was a savings of 4.74. I got a package of steaks (thin ones that are best for making sandwiches) for only 2.90! They were priced for quick sale as the store doesn't want to lose money if they are not off of the shelf by the "sell by" date.  The thing that my hubby was most excited about was the blue cheese burgers I picked up for 1.88. They were 1+ lb each burger and I got a package of 2. (These are sooo bad for you but he LOVES them)  I got one other package of chicken thighs that was preseasoned becasue it was at a great price and two packages of lunch meat. I got a package of pork sausage 2lb I think for 1.95 it is cheaper to get sausage uncooked if you have the time to cook your own this is the best way to get it and it can be frozen too. I got two packages of pork chops BOGO of course. I got two Hormel roasts BOGO and I had two 1.00 off printable coupons so I got two roasts for 4.79! That is a super deal that is a whole dinner (minus sides) for around 2.00 for 3 people! Per request of the hubby I got two packages of pizza rolls. I got a few boxes of potatoes, I think one is the potato disk that is flavored like casserole or something and the other was just regular mashed pot. They were 2/2.19 and I found a "peelie" on the boxes for .55/2 so that made them only 1.64 for both. I threw in a package of gold fish for the munchkin since the hubby was getting some of his favs too. I ended up finding my free coupons for the tea that I was sad about loosing lol they were under a magazine. So we got two free gold peak teas. I got 6 yogurt (these and the water both had pink packages which means that a portion of my purchase price goes to breast cancer research, there is nothing like eating and saving lives lol) I needed fabric softener so I picked that up and a bottle of wine was also on the special request list so that was added into the buggy (I wish I was in the budget for a case lol) I was going to buy more fruit for Rylan's lunch (I usually buy the little single serve packages) but I noticed that it is actually a good bit less expensive to buy the large jars of it instead so I got two jars of fruit one mixed and one mandarin oranges. I have small Tupperware that is perfect for this size serving anyway and I had coupons so I was glad about figuring this out. Rylan was also out of capri sun (I get the 100% juice even though it is a bit more expensive) so I got 2 boxes of those that 20 should last a while. I got a pack of brown bags for Rylan because each week at school they have "mystery bag" were they bring a bag that you cant see into and place items that start with the letter of the week in it and his always comes home torn up and he needs a new one but yesterday we ate at Subway and he got a reusable lion king lunch bag so he may use that from now on I'll just save the brown bags for another thing later. I got 2 cans of spaghetti Os with meatballs, and a bunch of cam. soups that are good for cooking I think about 7 and I picked up a can of gumbo base so I only have to add seafood (I wanted to get a lot of fish and shrimp this week but it was pretty expensive...sad face)  Oh and I also got 2 shampoo and one conditioner.  My total items purchased was 61. I like to figure out the total for our family and  this trip it was 98.73 (after taxes) so that is 14 days of 3 people eating 3 meals a day for a total of .78 cents per person per meal! Pretty good!!!! Also my store (Winn Dixie) offers fuel perks and for this trip I earned .20c off each gallon for up to 20 gallons I already earned .20 last trip so I have .40c off a gallon. I have to use it before the end of the month because my first .20 will expire on Halloween so I hope I earn more before that :)

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