Friday, October 7, 2011

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner done at 8 am?!

I was so proud of myself as I got ready to walk out the door this morning to take Rylan to school. I made breakfast, packed lunch, and put a pork shoulder in the crock pot for pulled pork BBQ sandwiches tonight. Had I already completed all the meals of the day and it was only 8 am? WOW I'm excited. I am most excited about dinner because most nights I go into cooking dinner blindly. Yesterday for example I reached into the freezer at lunch and grabbed a bag of chicken thighs and stuck them in the sink to defrost. I had no idea what I was going to do with this meat besides cook it lol. At about 5 last night I decided I would go into the kitchen and begin dinner, but what to make? So back into the living room I went to google chicken thighs and see what came back lol. I didn't find anything that sounded like I HAD to have it so back to the kitchen with me. I for some reason decided I suddenly wanted skinless boneless chicken so I was going to pull all the meat off the bone. I thought surely this would be easy. After standing over two bowls (one for bones and skin and one for meat) for what seemed like forever I couldn't believe I didn't just put this meat in the fridge for the following night and get out boneless meat from the freezer. This was a lot more time consuming that I thought it would be. The meat was slipping out of my hands and it was so cold so my hands were mad at me. The first few pieces I tried getting every little piece of meat on there but by the end whatever came off is what was going into the meat bowl I had almost given up lol. I got out a box of FREE pasta and a can of tomatoes with seasoning and I grabbed spinach out of the freezer. I was making this dish up as I went along. I put the chicken in a pot and poured cooking wine over it (it smelled so good) I was wishing I had a bottle for drinking while cooking :) but I guess I drank it all last time lol. Which reminds me I need to find some great coupon type deals to get good wine cheap... anyway back to cooking. I threw in some seasoning with the chicken and then drained the pasta and added the spinach while the pasta was still smoking so it would unfreeze. Put the tomatoes and chicken with wine sauce over it and voila dinner was done. Tonight I hope I will not spend hours in the kitchen  pulling meat apart lol. I am not sure what part inside of me thought that was a good idea, it was not. I guess you live and learn. Its closer to 10 now and the BBQ pork is smelling so good already.

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