Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin seeds

I spent what seemed like all night separating seeds from pumpkin guts last night. Today they were drying from being rinsed. This evening I split them in half and mixed half with 2T butter and 1/2 cup sugar and 2T cinnamon. I baked them for around 15 mins at 350... can you say delicious?! The second batch I made with 2T olive oil and 2T low sodium soy sauce and 2T "whats this here" sauce as we call it in our house, with a few sprinkles of salt. I did the same bake at 350 for about 15 minutes, those started to burn on the outside because I forgot to stir twice while baking, well I didn't forget I was being lazy... anyway they are still tasty (the ones that are not burnt) you should try it!

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