Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So much to do so little time

I am so happy to announce that my old roomies are here staying with me! We have been to the Audubon zoo and spent all day walking around (they had a special event actually for earth day or something like that) there were bands and all kinds of fun goodies for the kiddos. They built home depot kids clinic toys and loved that and learned all about taking care of our planet while having fun. I got to act like a 16 year old again too since I had my friends here to laugh with me about things that are crazy at the zoo (they say spring is mating season...the birds and the bees if you know what I mean) so there was more than enough to laugh about! They brought their 8 kids and 3 went to see their dad in Florida for the week so we picked up a cousin and a friend with her two kids to make up the difference :)
 Rylan has never been happier, there are at all times someone who wants to be responsible for him and hold his hand and show him how to do things and what is right. He snuck out of bed this morning and made his way down to the pallets of the kids to snuggle with them and watch cartoons and I thought he was still sleeping! We boiled crawfish and I was so happy that some of their friends came over to join the fun so they could get to hang out. I remember what a pain in the butt it always was for us to live far away and come home to our home town only to have everyone to want us to drive and see them. We always said "everyone should come to US we drove all the way here so they should make the effort to come the rest of the way" it was great to have everyone over enjoying some good food! My dad and stepmother came over too and I loved it I hope everyone had a good time. On Saturday we celebrated Maddie and Emmas birthdays that already passed by playing laser tag at a surprise party. It was Rylans first time and you would not believe this kid! We worked as a team at first covering each others backs then we got split up and I discovered him in a corner where there was a low hole in a free standing wall where he could take cover and just hose people as they came around the corner! That dude was unstoppable!!! I came in second in the party (there were a bunch of people including multiple adults!) Dakota, Shellys oldest came in first but he has lots of practice time in with JJ playing black ops so I don't count that.... Basically by default I was the champion! Just don't tell Dakota. On Friday the kids thought it was fun to ride with me to drop off Rylan at school and of course he thought that was super cool. I'm looking forward to our swamp tour tomorrow... I'll let you know how it goes

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