I was able to make more accessories for Rylan. I think this will be super fun for him to play with later too since dress up is one of his favorite things. The bag of scrap leather was also only about $3.00 before the discount. I made a belt with a breechcloth ( had to google it to find the name lol) Then after looking online some more I realized I could easily make a pouch for his "treasures" which I tied to his belt. I also purchased an arrowhead at hobby lobby which I took a golden thread from my sewing kit and made a necklace with it. I took a package of feathers and 8 pieces of strips of leather and braided them then stuck the feathers inside the braid and Rylan thought he was the coolest thing to ever happen to this house. We called him Indian Rylan all night. Today I will be making him a "talking stick" that I saw online. It will be covered in leather and will have a leather strip hanging from it with a feather on the end (I hope hahaha if everything goes correctly). I can't wait to dress him all up and teach him some facts about Native Americans for him to present to his class. He has been asking me a lot of questions so I am planning to teach him the things he is interested in. He asked about the Indian children and if they have toys so after a quick google I found that boys played with bow and arrows and girls played with dolls. He asked if they had houses so we talked about what their houses looked like that so I told him we would build one tonight. He needs one more fact before Thursday so I will wait for his next question :) Rylan picked a white leather strip as an arm band and a brown one as a bracelet too. I don't have a picture of the necklace today since Rylan wanted to wear it to school. I didn't use any tools to make any of these items other than household scissors and lacing the strips through. I will however use my hot glue gun to glue a piece of leather to the back of the headdress since Rylan says it pokes him in the forehead and hurts.
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